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Background: A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain either bursts, ruptures or is blocked by a clot. As a result, the brain cannot get the blood and oxygen it needs and pieces of the brain die. Stroke Risk Factors though some stroke risk factors are uncontrollable, such as age and race, other risk factors are controllable For example, hypertension, smoking. This case-control study Focus on the role lipid wich involved serum cholesterol ,serum triglyceride ,serum hight density lipoprotein ,serum low density lipoprotein Aims and objectives: 1. To know several reasons and risk factors lead to developing trokes. 2.Are lipid profile changes thought to be a risk factor in theoccurrence of stroke. Patients and methods: This study is a cross sectional study conducted in the Neurology department of Rhizgary teaching hospital in Erbil city in Iraqi Kurdistan from November 2015- September, 2016 comprised 90 patients (50) males and (40) females were diagnosed on the basis of clinical to have strock to see the relation different components of serum lipids and ischemic stroke. Healthy control (HC) group: fourty healthy individuals comprised of 10 males and 30 females (mean age of total 40 healthy control was 35.5?5.6 years) had been chosen from hospital medical staff, who have no history or clinical evidence of stroke or any chronic disease, they were age and sex matched their ages ranged from 27 to 55 years. Result: Result showed that ischemic stroke was more common after the age of 50 years with mean age of (56.428? 12.499) years. Male suffered more than female from ischemic stroke (M:F=3:1). Hypertension and diabetes mellitus (DM) were found to be highly significant risk factors for ischemic stroke (P<0.01). High level of both serum triglyceride ,low density lipoprotein (LDL) showed highly significant (p<0.01). Inaddition, low level of high density lipoprotein (HDL) appeared as a highly significant risk factor (p<0.01) In contrast to cholesterol level on showed no significant effect on ischemic stroke (p>0.05). Conclusions: We could be concluded that TG,HDL LDL, cholesterol levels can be considered as a risk factor for both ischemic cerebral and stroke events. The main risk factor for stroke is high blood pressure. In addition, diabetes mellitus.
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A Study of Serum Lipid Profile in Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients
Amir Moghadam-Ahmadi
Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2019
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Comparative lipid profile study between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
To determine the frequency of dyslipidemias in pati ents with stroke and to compare the lipid levels in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients. Patients with diagnosi s of stroke comprising 50 consecutive patients each of ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes were included in the study while patients on lipid lowering therapy were excl uded from study. To determine the subtype of stroke, clinical examination followed by CT scan of brain was done. A serum sample after 8 hours of overnight fasting was taken on the next day of admission for both groups of pa tients. Total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol, VLDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol was determined , using enzymatic colorimetric method. SPSS software was us ed for calculation of % R of 95% confidence interva l (CI). It was noted in our study that fasting serum lipid pro file analysis of 50 ischemic stroke patients revea led raised serum total cholesterol in 21 patients with mean serum ch olesterol of 190±35mg/dl...
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Comparative Analysis of Various Serum Lipid Parameters in Patients with Ischemic Stroke
Vinita Kalra
Background: Role of serum lipids, lipoproteins and lipoprotein related variables in the prediction of stroke is less clear. Abnormalities in plasma lipoproteins are the most firmly established and best understood risk factors for atherosclerosis. They are probable risk factors for ischemic stroke, largely by their link to atherosclerosis. Apo B reflects the concentration of potentially atherogenic particles (LDL), and Apo A1 reflects the corresponding concentration of anti-atherogenic particles (HDL), represent additional lipoprotein related variables that may indicate the vascular risk. Aim: To study and compare serum concentration of Apolipoprotein A1, Apolipoprotein B, Apo B/Apo A1 ratio and Lipid profile in patients of acute ischemic stroke Design: A total number of 128 subjects of Stroke (both clinically as well as computed tomographically proven cases) aged above 18, of both sexes, were taken for the study. Material and Methods: Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycer...
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Study of lipid profile in patients with stroke
IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd.
IP innovative publication pvt. ltd, 2019
Introduction: Stroke is a global health problem. It is the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of mortality worldwide. Dyslipidemia is been considered to be a risk factor for stroke, Present study is intended to know association of serum lipid profile with stroke. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of abnormal lipid profile including extended lipid profile in patients with stroke. Results: A total of 200 patients with stroke were studied. Among the studied patients 112 (56%) were males and 88 (44%) were females. Mean age of the study population was 56.98yrs (SD = 13.8). Out of 200, 108 (54%) were having total cholesterol value <200mg/dl and 92 (46%) were having > 200 mg/dl. 86(43%) subjects were having Triglyceride level above 150 mg/dl, whereas 114 (57%) were having less than 150 mg/dl. 129 (64.5%) were having HDL value less than 40mg/dl whereas 71 (35.5%) were having HDL > 40 mg/dl. 106 (53%) were having VLDL value < 30mg/dl whereas 94 (47%) were having VLDL>30 mg/dl. 159 (79.5%) were having LDL values above 100 mg/dl and 41 (20.5%) were having LDL value less than 100mg/dl. 74 (37%) were having Apolipoprotein–A1 value less than 120 mg/dl and 126 (63%) were having value > 120 mg/dl. 126 (63%) were having Apolipoprotein–B value <130 mg/dl and 74 (37%) were having value> 130 mg/dl. There was no statistically significant difference among males and females in the study subjects. There was statistically significant positive correlation between Total cholesterol & LDL with Apolipoprotein–B (p < 0.001). Conclusion: In the present study dyslipidemia, low Apolipoprotein-A1 and high Apolipoprotein B have been found to be associated with stroke.
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A Comparative Study of Lipid Profile in Ischemic Stroke Between Diab Etic and Non Diabetic Patients at Tertiary Care Centre
Chethan Chethan
Journal of Evolution of medical and Dental Sciences, 2015
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The Effect of Total Cholesterol and Serum Triglycerides Level on Recovery from Acute Ischemic Stroke
Jahanzeb Maqsood
Journal of Islamic International Medical College, 2017
Objective: To determine the effect of serum total cholesterol and triglyceride levels on stroke recovery in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Study Design: This was an observational cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at Shifa International Hospital Islamabad. Total duration of the study was 6 months starting from 5th August 2011 up till 4th February 2012. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 consecutive stroke patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were recruited over a period of 6 months. Stroke severity was clinically assessed using the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at the time of admission and then again at the time of discharge from the hospital. Their blood sample were collected for Serum Cholesterol and Triglyceride estimation within first 24 hours of admission. Neurological improvement was assessed by the reduction in NIHSS score at discharge and was defined as good if it was ≥3. The data analysis was done b...
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Comparison of fasting lipid profile in ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke patients of a tertiary care hospital
keerthi deepak
International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 2016
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Serum lipids in young patients with ischaemic stroke: a case-control study
Bertrand Perret
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 2000
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Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and the Risk of Dementia With Stroke
Mohsen Janghorbani
JAMA, 1999
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